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341 Results Found

Lessons from the Field: How Three AHA Member Health Systems Achieved Board Diversity

Effecting genuine change through executive leadership, board support, creativity and commitment can accelerate diversity efforts.

COVID-19 Podcasts

COVID-19 Podcasts <

Boardroom Brief: How Boards Can Support Workforce Behavioral Health

This document, developed by AHA Trustee Services and AHA’s Behavioral Health teams, intends to educate and raise awareness for trustees about suicide prevention and the role that hospital and health system boards can play in this very important public health issue.

Succession Planning

Penny Wheeler, M.D., was barely into her tenure as CEO of Allina Health and fresh from a transition period earlier this year with retiring CEO Kenneth Paulus when the topic turned to who might repl

Succession Planning: The Board-CEO Partnership

Trustee Articles
Boards and CEOs must constructively address the succession imperative. Succession planning for the CEO and other senior leadership positions is critical to organizational continuity and stability, especially in a transforming healthcare field.

10 Questions Boards Can Answer to Advance Equity

COVID-19 has served as a wake-up call to the inequities experienced by underserved and historically marginalized populations.

Succession planning: An investment in leadership continuity and success

Ensuring that an organization has consistent and effective leadership at the top is a principal board responsibility.

The Importance of Governing Boards in Developing a Behavioral Health Strategy

Hospital and health system boards can play a significant role in developing and guiding behavioral health strategy and working with community partners to address unmet health needs in the community and expand access to services.