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539 Results Found

Deliberate Decision-making and the Effective Board

Trustee Articles
High performing boards learn how to make decisions at the right time using the right processes.

Aligning Care Delivery to Emerging Payment Models

Trustee Articles
As payers shift financial risk to providers through more advanced payment models, trustees will need to help their organizations build new capabilities for succeeding under these payment arrangements.

Making Sense of Hospital Quality Ratings

Every day, it seems that a new hospital quality scorecard is released, sparking news stories about how hospitals compare with one another and against nationwide benchmarks.

Using Technology to Enhance Board Education

Trustee Articles
Ongoing board education that includes newer modalities and technologies will increase board engagement and improve governance.

How trustees can improve alignment by overseeing physician compensation

Relationships between health systems and physicians have undergone significant change in recent years as the health care field transforms into a value-based system of quality, patient satisfaction

Stopping the spread of disease

More than 50 organizations partnered in the nation’s largest drill to move patients with highly infectious diseases.

Orientation and Evaluation Key to Successful Trusteeship

When trustees are appointed to the board of Manatee Memorial Hospital, they have a steep learning curve as they settle into this new role.

Cybersecurity Remains Top Problem Cybersecurity remains ongoing problem for hospitals

Hospitals continue to funnel significant resources into securing the electronic health record information that is increasingly the target of cyberattacks.

Overcoming 10 barriers to effective governance

In today’s environment of health care transformation, hospital and health system boards must evaluate every aspect of their governance processes, practices, meetings and composition to ensure

Hospital in a Park

When Cleveland-based Metro­Health first began planning for its $1 billion campus renovation in 2013, discussions among its leaders and community stakeholders centered on creating a site where c