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477 Results Found

HRET and ACHI Survey Hospitals on Population Health

The U.S. health care field is moving in a new direction — toward population health.

Henry Ford Health System board essential for diversity

Henry Ford Health System, a five-hospital system in the Detroit area, routinely earns one of the top spots on DiversityInc.’s Top 12 Hospitals and Health Systems, an annual ranking of health

9 ways to bolster vulnerable communities

Millions of Americans in both urban and rural communities are unable to access essential health care services.

Adhering to Board Duties in an Affiliation Transaction

White Papers
By Thomas M. Fahey, Partner, Nixon Peabody

Skills and Tools New Board Members Need to Thrive

Health care governance education transformed immeasurably for the better during my 36-year career with the Arkansas Hospital Association.

Volunteers in Medicine celebrating 25 years in Hilton Head

In the early 1990s, Jack McConnell, M.D., was struck by the number of poor individuals who had no access to health care on Hilton Head Island, S.C., where he had retired. 

A boards duty: Ensure a healthy culture

High-profile companies like Wells Fargo, Uber, Equifax, The Weinstein Co., Fox News and many more have recently garnered media attention for their leadership and corporate cultures.

Preventing MD Burnout

Physicians in the United States spend about 28,000 hours in medical school, residency and fellowship learning to be physicians.

Partnering with post-acute providers for better care

Hospital executives are facing a relatively new challenge: managing the financial risk of bundled or capitated payment after a patient is discharged.

The One Trait that Consistently High-performing Health Systems and Hospitals Share

Consistently high-performing health systems and hospitals share a common trait. Their leadership teams are exceptionally humble.