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424 Results Found

Hospitals are Successfully Stepping Up the Fight Against Sepsis

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Sepsis is a leading caus

Minding Your Manners

Trustee Articles
The relationship between boards and chief executive officers can be fraught with challenges, and trustees often are unsure of how to handle certain delicate situations. But using a framework of etiquette can provide guidance.

New views on womens services

Trustee talking points The 2014 birthrate for women ages 25 to 29 was 106 births per 1,000, just slightly higher than the rate of 101 per 1,000 women ages 30 to 34, according t

Provider-sponsored health plans: Are you ready to take on (more) risk?

Trustee talking points Provider-sponsored health plans offer a good way for hospitals and health systems to take on risk as they move toward value-base care.