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545 Results Found

Adhering to Board Duties in an Affiliation Transaction

White Papers
By Thomas M. Fahey, Partner, Nixon Peabody

How to preserve a legacy of service

In today's environment of change and transformation, some nonprofit hospitals and health systems are considering the possibility of selling to for-profit providers.

Asking the right questions

Hospitals are making greater investments in community health.

A Foundation for Improving Social Determinants of Health

Trustee Articles
Philanthropy can drive innovative initiatives to address social, economic, educational and quality of life issues in the community.

Preventing Federal Violations in Physician Arrangements

Health care organizations face a great deal of regulatory risk in physician-hospital contracts, billing issues, quality and privacy.

5 Necessary Competencies for CEOs

When your board hired your organization’s CEO, the competencies the CEO possessed likely were a major factor in the selection process.

Hospital studies self-care program, with positive results

When leaders at Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas launched a novel program for administering long-term antibiotics to Parkland Memorial Hospital patients, they were seeking to address

Why a health care CEO may need a chief of staff

One of the outgrowths of transformational change in health care has been a significantly expanded workload for CEOs.

Collaborative governance the key to improving community health

Health care delivery and payment are undergoing profound change.

Expanding the reach of palliative care

When Alexander Gamble, M.D., was hired to develop a palliative medicine program at Phelps County Regional Medical Center in south-central Missouri, he expected it would take some time to persuade p