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477 Results Found

Obesity, Physical Inactivity Rates Climb in Health Rankings

Americans’ rates of obesity and physical inactivity rose in 2014, according to “America’s Health Rankings,” which is published by United Health Foundation.

Equity of Care Toolkit Guides Boards and Leaders in Eliminating Disparities

The American Hospital Association released a free toolkit designed to accelerate the elimination of health disparities and increase leadership diversity.

Diabetes rates decline

The number of new cases of diabetes diagnosed in the United States declined significantly from 2009 to 2014 after steadily rising for 25 years, according to data released in December by the

Charitable Donations Up in 2014, Including Health Sector

Charitable donations of $358.38 billion in 2014 represent an increase of 7.1 percent in current dollars and 5.4 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars more than the $339.94 billion that

AHA President to Retire in 2015

American Hospital Association president and CEO Rich Umbdenstock announced that he will retire at the end of this year.

HIMSS conference Feb. 29-May 4 in Las Vegas

More than 40,000 health care information management professionals, clinicians, executives and vendors from around the world will attend HIMSS annual conference and exhibition Feb.

Hospital CEO Turnover Rate High, Shows Slight Decline in 2014

Hospitals continued to see a high rate of CEO turnover in 2014, with 4,501 hospitals reporting a rate of 18 percent, according to a report recently released by the American College of Healthcare Ex

Mental Disorders Outgrow Other Costly Conditions

Cases involving mental disorders and their associated expenditures increased more than those of heart disease, cancer or any of the other top five costliest conditions, according to an

U.S. birthrate rises

The U.S. birthrate rose 0.6 percent in 2014 to 62.9 per 1,000 women, the first increase since 2007, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.