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103 Results Found

New tech for trustees to watch

In the early '90s, who could have imagined that today I would be walking around with a mini–super computer and video camera in my pocket.

Care [Almost] Anywhere

Trustee Talking Points • Health systems are experimenting with new types of access that make care more convenient and less costly for consumers.

How to Maximize Board Retreat Success

The measure of board retreat success can be summed up in one simple statement: “That was a good use of my time.” Developing retreats that leverage leadership time and resources

Taking advantage of tech

Technology permeates almost every corner of health care. Patient records, the operating room and primary care providers are all increasingly interconnected. 

Strategy for Change

Wurlitzer, Kodak, Digital Equipment Corporation — the business world is filled with the names of once great and dominant companies that ignored the winds of change.

IT interoperability: what is it, whats holding it up?

“Interoperability” has been a technology buzzword for a while now. But, what does it really mean?

IBM Watson Health Growing Fast

IBM Watson Health last year formally jumped into predictive analytics and has been on a tear ever since, doing deals and partnering with health care providers and commercial enterprises.

Artificial intelligence requires real leadership

Interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning in health care is accelerating and diversifying.

Cybersecurity: Its clinical, too

Imagine this text message shows up on your smartphone: “Dear John, we have complete control of your pacemaker software.

Immersion Day for trustees

Could a board be more effective if it deeply understood the ins and outs of how a health system delivers care? For four years, the Immersion Day program at Mission Health in Asheville, N.