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424 Results Found

Reinventing the health care foundation board

Trustee talking points Philanthropy is growing in importance as health care transforms toward new models.

A new health system means new governance

Trustee talking points Integrated hospitals and health systems hope to achieve all of the benefits of scale, in efficiency, quality and scope. Legacy governing board syst

Preserving your hospital’s independence

Trustee talking points More and more hospitals are joining larger health systems. Boards that want their hospital to remain independent have a number of strat

Seven Levers Pushing Health Care to the Tipping Point

Snapshot What are the levers that are moving health care toward transformation?

Why Your Hospital Should Ditch Its IT System

Snapshot Complaints about poorly performing IT systems are valid.

Building hospitals to improve patient safety

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Hospital leaders — ex

Creating actionable intelligence

Hospitals and health systems have created a wealth of data by adopting electronic health record systems that can integrate information from a variety of sources.

Investing in Innovation to Disrupt Health Cares Status Quo

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Many hea

Its time to get serious about costs

When announcing a new health care company formed by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase, Warren Buffett didn’t mince words about the rationale: “The ballooning costs of health

Priorities for a Hospital Board Chair

It is hard to imagine an industry more turbulent than health care or a position more demanding than hospital board chair.