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477 Results Found

Genomic Medicine is (finally) revolutionizing health care

After years of fanfare and a few false starts, the era of genomic medicine has finally arrived.

AHA issues guide on hospital-community partnerships

Population Health Helping hospitals create community partnerships A new guide from the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence initiative hi

Milwaukee health systems partner for community health

A decade ago, leaders of four health systems serving Milwaukee residents recognized that they needed to do something different.

Care and payment models: The right fit

Developing health care delivery and payment models to achieve the Triple Aim will be challenging.

Creating a Culture of Health

Population health is a hot topic. But what does it mean in practical terms?

The Engine that Powers Population Health

When physicians, executives and trustees look at the pros and cons of assigning a patient's total cost of care to a physician, they can't get bogged down in philosophical arguments over fairness or

Hospital Use of Quality Improvement Methodologies

This is 14 percent more than all hospitals with an organized quality improvement program that responded to the November 2014 American Hospital Association Survey of Care Systems and Payment.

Dousing clinician burnout

Slowly and surely, we’ve been burning out a generation of doctors and nurses. The numbers are startling: Over 50 percent of physicians report one or more symptoms of burnout.

10 trends for 2018

Health care delivery and methods of paying for it will continue to evolve during 2018 in a changing economic, political, technological and demographic landscape.