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545 Results Found

Promoting a Culture of Health

Is your hospital or health system promoting a culture of health in the communities it serves?

Health Care 2.0 and Beyond: The Digitally Aware Board

While the fee-for-service payment system remains profitable for many hospitals and systems, most agree that high-performing organizations in the future will be part of accountable, conn

Performance-based Contracts Require Greater Board Oversight

Hospitals and health systems increasingly are entering performance-based contracts as part of the trend toward population health and value-based care.

Five Overlooked Strategic Planning Considerations

Snapshot Some of the most pressing strategic issues in health care — long-term care integration, prices, medical necessity, new sources of income and leadership skills — call f

Taking the Pledge to Eliminate Disparities

To meet the changing needs of our communities, hospitals are working hard to make sure that every individual receives the highest quality of care.

IT interoperability: what is it, whats holding it up?

“Interoperability” has been a technology buzzword for a while now. But, what does it really mean?

Sample Duties and Expectations of a Director

Purpose: The hospital is committed to ensuring that it achieves standards of excellence in the quality of its governance and has adopted this policy describing the duties and expectations of directors. Application: This policy applies to all elected and ex-officio directors and is provided to directors before they are recruited for appointment to the board. Each director must confirm in writing that he or she will abide by this policy.

A new health system means new governance

Trustee talking points Integrated hospitals and health systems hope to achieve all of the benefits of scale, in efficiency, quality and scope. Legacy governing board syst

Revisiting Strategy Due to COVID-19

Working together, hospital and health system boards and executive teams should examine the pandemic’s implications for their organizations, to set strategic direction and better serve patients and communities.

The science of safety

Keeping patients safe is a prerequisite for delivering high-quality health care.