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341 Results Found

Palliative, hospice care design comforts patients, families

Trustee talking points Health care facilities' design and amenities meet patients' needs and lead to better care.   Palliative and end-of-life care requ

Dousing clinician burnout

Slowly and surely, we’ve been burning out a generation of doctors and nurses. The numbers are startling: Over 50 percent of physicians report one or more symptoms of burnout.

Covering the Spectrum of Community Need

It was a tough day at Union High School for Kim (not her real name).

Nurse residency programs

Brandon (Fla.) Regional Hospital has a new nurse recruitment strategy: It’s hiring registered nurses fresh out of nursing school and enrolling them in weeks- or months-long residency programs to le

Competency-Based Governance Enters the Health Care Boardroom

Trustee Articles
In 2009 the AHA’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Trustee Core Competencies identified two sets of competencies that focused on the knowledge, skills and personal capabilities needed by trustees of hospitals and health systems to govern effectively.

Dispensing with old pharmacy rules crucial in health transformation

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points U.S.

Leadership and affordability

An organization's success often comes down to leadership.

Collaborating for behavioral health

Trustee talking points An estimated 43.4 million U.S.

The One Trait that Consistently High-performing Health Systems and Hospitals Share

Consistently high-performing health systems and hospitals share a common trait. Their leadership teams are exceptionally humble.

A new health system means new governance

Trustee talking points Integrated hospitals and health systems hope to achieve all of the benefits of scale, in efficiency, quality and scope. Legacy governing board syst