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Top 10 Trends to Watch (and Act Upon) in 2020

Trustee Articles
Continued changes in health care, both evolutionary and revolutionary, will require a steady hand and an open mind.

Best Governance Practices: Not Just for Goliaths

Trustee Articles
Today’s hospital leaders know their trustees must be more adaptable, connected and knowledgeable about the changing health care landscape than any of their predecessors. But do they believe their volunteer community board is truly capable of stepping up to current field challenges?

Reputation and governance

What would having the best reputation in the business do for your business? In answering this question, most leaders would respond, “Everything!”

Teaching the next generation of physicians

As a 40-year-old former driver for Meals on Wheels, Brooke Wagen is not a typical medical school student.

Competency-Based Succession Planning

Trustee Articles
Even before the Enron scandal, which featured directors who didn’t understand the company’s complex financial transactions, and before the Sarbanes‐Oxley Act required publicly owned corporations to disclose whether their boards include directors with financial expertise, it should have been self‐evident that relevant knowledge and experience are prerequisites for effective governance.  

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Education Process

Board Checklists
A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. Below is an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness...

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Governance Education Process Tool

Board Checklists
A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. This resource serves as an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness.

A Farmer, Teacher and the Consummate Trustee

Trustee Spotlight Name: Edward HatcherOrganization: Grinnell (Iowa) Regional Medical CenterYears on the board: 17

Multiple Surveys Show Decline in Number of Uninsured

It’s rare that multiple surveys tell the same story.

AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees

Governance AHA seeks to strengthen services for trustees The American Hospital Association board of trustees in July approved a plan to strengthen the AHA’s role in s