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297 Results Found

Boardroom Brief: How Boards Contribute to a Safe Workplace and Community

This brief intends to raise awareness about violence as a public health issue and provides resources for boards to work with hospital and health system leaders to build safer workplaces and communities.

Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health through Primary Care

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and health systems are finding a range of ways to integrate behavioral and physical care in a primary care clinic, thereby improving patient outcomes and lowering costs.

Health Care Governance in Changing Times

To navigate the choppy waters ahead, hospital and health system boards need to develop a plan to reengage all trustees and renew CEO and board leadership collaboration.

Boardroom Brief: Encouraging a Risk-Aware Culture to Drive Value

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a strategic business discipline that supports the identification, assessment and management of risks. ERM can advance internal control of material risk and allow an organization to generate greater value from strategic and operational activities. To achieve these advantages, organizations must embed ERM elements into their culture and structure and examine the nature of the risks they face.

Streamlining the Credentialing and Privileging Process

Trustee Articles
The legal authority to approve, limit or deny provider credentials and privileges is a fundamental board responsibility. Organizations that centralize and standardize this process are better prepared to meet the field’s many changes and challenges.

Bringing the Voices of Kids into the Boardroom

Board CultureBringi

Sample Patient Experience Dashboards

The sample dashboards that follow provide examples for a multihospital system as well as a single community hospital.