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341 Results Found

The most vexing problem in IT

The once-arcane concept of interoperability among information technology systems has become a mainstream issue, rising from the backrooms of IT departments up to C-suites and the boardroom.

Meeting the Physicians Needs: The Road to Organization-Physician Engagement

SNAPSHOT Physicians are frustrated and overwhelmed by the changes in care delivery.

Hospitals Boost Cybersecurity Efforts

2015 was the year of the health care security breach.

The Three Challenges Impacting Health Cares New Normal

SNAPSHOT Hospital and system leaders say that they are acclimating to the transformed health care environment, but risk-based contracts, pressure to grow and regulatory scrutiny

Physician Organizations Should Drive Quality

A strong, consistent governance and leadership focus on doing what’s best for patients and communities is positioning physician organizations as significant drivers of improved quality and financia

In Milwaukee, infant mortality, social determinants top concerns

In 2016, Milwaukee’s infant-mortality rate was 9.1, meaning that slightly more than nine babies died for every 1,000 live births.

An overlooked source of risk: Culture

Directors and trustees serving health care organizations, whether investor-owned or nonprofit, bear responsibility for their organization’s corporate culture and, with that, enormous ris

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

Hospitals and housing

Wellness and well-being are inextricably linked to the social and economic conditions of people’s lives.

Using Technology to Enhance Board Education

Trustee Articles
Ongoing board education that includes newer modalities and technologies will increase board engagement and improve governance.