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477 Results Found

How to Create a Better Board-CEO Relationship

Snapshot A positive relationship between the board and CEO is a prerequisite for hospital and health system success.

Getting to the New Normal in Health Care

Health care boards can play a pivotal role to ensure their patients, employees and communities receive needed resources to heal, restore and rebuild for a better and healthier future.

A boards mission, vision and values

How would your directors answer the question, “What’s our governing board’s mission?”

Outpatient Care Inspires New Building Design

Snapshot As inpatient utilization declines, outdated rural hospitals can meet their community’s changing needs by building or converting to ambulatory-driven life enhanceme

Recruiting Millennials to the Hospital Board

Trustee Articles
Millennials use the health care system in a unique way. Trustees must be attentive to their views and recruit them to the board for its long-term sustainability.

Independence through collaboration

Trustee talking points Collaboratives or alliances of neighboring health systems are an alternative to formal consolidation. They provide a way for systems to gain

An overlooked source of risk: Culture

Directors and trustees serving health care organizations, whether investor-owned or nonprofit, bear responsibility for their organization’s corporate culture and, with that, enormous ris

Separate but Stronger

Trustee Talking Points

Using Technology to Enhance Board Education

Trustee Articles
Ongoing board education that includes newer modalities and technologies will increase board engagement and improve governance.