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424 Results Found

Revisiting Executive Incentive Compensation

Incentive compensation plans are intended to focus executives’ attention on their organizations’ most vital priorities and initiatives.

Eliminating Patient Harm

SNAPSHOT Hospitals that strive for high reliability aim to drive out the possibility of error and reject incremental improvements.

Affordability at the fore

Hospitals are dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable care.

Embracing civility

We’re four months away from the presidential election, and a lot of Americans are already worn down by the nastiness, name-calling and inanity.

The Power of Rural Alliances


Nurses as hospitalists

Trustee talking points A growing number of small and rural hospitals, unable to recruit or afford physician hospitalists, are staffing their hospital medicine programs

The Education, Orientation and Evolution of the Governance Role at Catholic Health Initiatives

In today’s environment, it’s more important than ever that health care executives pay special attention to one of their most vital, strategic constituencies: board members.

Governance Leadership of Quality

Trustee Articles
A diagnostic tool and organization assessment can help boards address barriers to effective quality oversight.

IOM Proposes Priority Health Measures

Widespread application of a limited set of standardized measures could reduce the burden of unnecessary measurement of health and health care, and align the incentives and actions of se

Expanding the field

Hospitals don't serve just their patients. They also serve their communities.