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302 Results Found

Hospitals Boost Cybersecurity Efforts

2015 was the year of the health care security breach.

Genomics Growing Influence

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute, an independent non-profit organization that uses evidence-based research to objectively assess medical procedures, devices, dru

Asking the right questions

Hospitals are making greater investments in community health.

Competency-Based Governance Enters the Health Care Boardroom

Trustee Articles
In 2009 the AHA’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Trustee Core Competencies identified two sets of competencies that focused on the knowledge, skills and personal capabilities needed by trustees of hospitals and health systems to govern effectively.

IT Dilemmas of the Newly Merged

Snapshot One of the first decisions that merging organizations must make is what to do with legacy information systems, and the answer isn’t always obvious.

A new health system means new governance

Trustee talking points Integrated hospitals and health systems hope to achieve all of the benefits of scale, in efficiency, quality and scope. Legacy governing board syst

New payment models: Are you ready?

When describing how care delivery differs under value-based payment versus traditional fee for service, Douglas Pogue, M.D., points to the way physicians’ mindsets are changing in the BJC Acc

Re-evaluating diagnostic testing

Hospital radiologists and pathologists are on the receiving end of orders for scans and tests. But they can’t do their work alone.

The Path to Lower Readmissions Lies in Patient Support

Snapshot A crucial part of population health is keeping patients healthy outside the hospital.

Is Your Hospital Ready for Population Health?

Before a hospital or system launches a population health management initiative, it is essential to have clarity around the goals, required resources and success metrics.