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477 Results Found

How to prepare your hospital for risk

Trustees of nonprofit health care organizations appreciate that revenue from fee-for-service reimbursement has been the basis for keeping their institutions financially sustainable over many years.

Genomics Growing Influence

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute, an independent non-profit organization that uses evidence-based research to objectively assess medical procedures, devices, dru

Enhancing diversity

When Shafiq Rab agreed to become chief information officer and senior vice president of Rush University Medical Center late last year, the Chicago hospital snagged a leader in the use of mobile hea

Coaching for Results

When a sports team has an outstanding game, people often examine the coach’s role in setting expectations for performance and helping the team effectively coalesce to achieve its goal.

Incoming AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack Sees the Big Picture

Snapshot The American Hospital Association’s incoming president and CEO says that successful advocacy isn’t just about lobbying on Capitol Hill.

Leadership Assessment and Competencies

As hospitals and health systems evolve to meet changing reimbursement and delivery system demands, so too must the organization’s leadership.

Applying Lean Principles to Board Work

Trustee Articles
Health care is ripe for change. The evidence is all around us. A majority of health care leaders recently surveyed said hospitals and health systems are most in need of disruptive innovation (New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, February 16, 2017). Consumers are taking charge of their own health and seeking providers that deliver high-quality, affordable and accessible care in ways they have come to expect from their favorite retailers. And disrupters from within and outside of health care are joining forces and competing with traditional health care organizations to give consumers what they are looking for.

Transforming Care Delivery to Focus on Patient Outcomes: Why Boards Matter

Trustee Articles
In the publication, authors Joshi and Horak state that hospital trustees support hospitals’ fundamental missions to improve the health of the community. In a climate of growing concerns about the quality of health care and the amount we pay for it, trustees are called upon to oversee the transformation of the culture of the organization.

Seven Levers Pushing Health Care to the Tipping Point

Snapshot What are the levers that are moving health care toward transformation?