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424 Results Found

Effective Governance of Health Systems

Governing a health system is different than governing a stand-alone hospital. All health system boards oversee and attempt to integrate different businesses regardless of the type of system they govern.

National Patient Safety Foundation Issues New Root Cause Analysis Guidelines

The National Patient Safety Foundation recently released guidelines to help health professionals standardize their use of root cause analysis and renamed the process “RCA2” t

9 ways to bolster vulnerable communities

Millions of Americans in both urban and rural communities are unable to access essential health care services.

Leadership skills for the new health care era

The headline on this month’s cover story can be taken in a couple of ways, but there’s one important way you as a board member should not tak

News about boards, the VA, VTEs, and minority and behavioral health

Governance Great Boards spring newsletter available The spring issue of the American Hospital Association’s

How to Maximize Board Retreat Success

The measure of board retreat success can be summed up in one simple statement: “That was a good use of my time.” Developing retreats that leverage leadership time and resources

Physician-Hospital Alignment: Meeting on What Matters

Trustee Articles
The evolving U.S. health care system will demand more standardization, reduced variation in outcomes and lower costs, necessitating new care delivery methods. A variety of models may emerge but physicians are the one constant to any emerging care paradigm, making hospital physician alignment imperative.

Board Development: A Marathon Not a Sprint

Trustee Articles
Whether a board’s starting point is average performance or mediocrity, the journey to the top echelon of governance effectiveness cannot be achieved with a few quick steps. Board development is more like a marathon than a sprint.

Independence through collaboration

Trustee talking points Collaboratives or alliances of neighboring health systems are an alternative to formal consolidation. They provide a way for systems to gain