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341 Results Found

Will Boeing Change Health Care?

• Large employers, aiming to reduce the health costs for their employees, are forming tighter relationships directly with large provider networks, tying the contracts to the Triple Aim.

A boards mission, vision and values

How would your directors answer the question, “What’s our governing board’s mission?”

Health system strategies: Making the tough decisions

The leaders of health systems must focus on a handful of crucial strategies to ensure optimal performance of their organization.

Governance Leadership of Quality

Trustee Articles
A diagnostic tool and organization assessment can help boards address barriers to effective quality oversight.

Social determinants of health: The ProMedica story

The health care community is showing a significant and growing interest in the social determinants of health.

Genomics Growing Influence

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute, an independent non-profit organization that uses evidence-based research to objectively assess medical procedures, devices, dru

Coaching: A Critical Tool for Board Chair Development

Trustee Articles
Making coaching available to an incoming board chair can build the chair's capacity to lead the board effectively.

Transforming Care Delivery to Focus on Patient Outcomes: Why Boards Matter

Trustee Articles
In the publication, authors Joshi and Horak state that hospital trustees support hospitals’ fundamental missions to improve the health of the community. In a climate of growing concerns about the quality of health care and the amount we pay for it, trustees are called upon to oversee the transformation of the culture of the organization.

Empowering a Healthy Culture

Trustee Articles
Boards need to assess troubled areas in their organizations, set goals for improving the culture, and hold leaders accountable for change.

Engaging Boards in Disruptive Innovation

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and systems must understand the threats posed by market disruptors and craft specific strategies to protect their missions.