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539 Results Found

The One Trait that Consistently High-performing Health Systems and Hospitals Share

Consistently high-performing health systems and hospitals share a common trait. Their leadership teams are exceptionally humble.

Health Care 2.0 and Beyond: The Digitally Aware Board

While the fee-for-service payment system remains profitable for many hospitals and systems, most agree that high-performing organizations in the future will be part of accountable, conn

Exploring a Variety of Ways to Transform System Governance

Trustee Articles
Governance restructuring efforts of eight health systems provide lessons on redefining what it means to be a community board.

Predictive analytics is transforming health care

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Health s

Investing in Innovation to Disrupt Health Cares Status Quo

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Many hea

Helping Boards Have Productive Conversations about Quality of Care

Trustee Articles
Health care boards that take a broader view of “quality” and incorporate measures that reflect this understanding are better able to assess performance in the right areas.

Navigating successful health system integration

The decision to align with another health care organization is among the most important, if not the most important, undertakings for a hospital board.

Priorities for todays nurse leader

Maureen Swick, R.N., took the helm as chief nursing officer of the American Hospital Association and CEO of the American Organization of Nurse Executives last summer.

Writing an innovation playbook for health system success

Innovation can fuel the organizational agility necessary to achieve breakthrough levels of value and performance in health care.

Why a health care CEO may need a chief of staff

One of the outgrowths of transformational change in health care has been a significantly expanded workload for CEOs.