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302 Results Found

Collaborative governance the key to improving community health

Health care delivery and payment are undergoing profound change.

10 Myths of Executive Compensation

Hiring and retaining the right hospital leaders and ensuring that they achieve the organization’s goals are among the board’s most important functions, and executive compensation plays

Getting compliance just right

The role of board oversight for compliance and ethics and the relationship between the chief compliance officer and the board are critical ingredients for the success of a hospital

Navigating health care change

A huge transformation of the health care sector is underway, and it’s having a big impact on hospitals and health systems.

How Rural Trustees Can Meet Health Care Changes

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points The inst

Filling your physician needs

A medical staff development plan identifies your community's needs for physicians. It establishes your hospital or health system's physician need and recruitment priorities.

Essential Skills for Todays CEO

The board is responsible for setting the hospital or health system’s mission and vision, and for engaging leaders and staff in working toward that vision.

Youth and the hospital e-suite

It is generally accepted that executive development and succession planning are critical tools in organizational development.

Recruiting rural executives

Rural hospitals and health systems often face a leadership Catch-22: They need strong leaders to overcome the well-documented challenges facing rural health care — limited resources and dwind

Empowering a Healthy Culture

Trustee Articles
Boards need to assess troubled areas in their organizations, set goals for improving the culture, and hold leaders accountable for change.