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341 Results Found

Who Are Your Next Generation Leaders?

On-Demand Educational Webinars
To prepare for leadership succession, boards must identify talented leaders within the organization, take steps to retain them and develop them well for future roles.

Strategic Planning Podcasts

Pamela Knecht, president and CEO of Accord Limited, describes how to create and sustain a board with needed competencies, skills and perspectives.

Exploring Ways to Reinvent Generational Recruitment

An emerging group of future health care leaders are ready to take on the challenge of health care board service.

Health Care Governance in Changing Times

To navigate the choppy waters ahead, hospital and health system boards need to develop a plan to reengage all trustees and renew CEO and board leadership collaboration.

Don’t Forget the Big Strategic Picture

Focused, strategic discussions in the boardroom can support organizational excellence.

Board chair coaching process

Discussion Questions & Templates
A good coach focuses on what the board chair wants to accomplish and designs a coaching process based on how the board chair experiences the role; on assessment of individual strengths and weaknesses; and on identifying and addressing blind spots. Each coaching process should be customized to meet the board chair’s individual needs and goals.

Key Action Steps for the Compensation Committee

Trustee Articles
Discover the benefits of shared performance goals at the system level and how to implement them in your executive compensation program with AHA's tips.

The Boards Role in Digital Transformation

Facilitating digital transformation demands that boards appreciate its urgency, move past the hype and fulfill strategy at their hospital and health system via digital transformation-related needs assessment, plan execution and evaluation of results and outcomes.

Boardroom Brief: Encouraging a Risk-Aware Culture to Drive Value

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a strategic business discipline that supports the identification, assessment and management of risks. ERM can advance internal control of material risk and allow an organization to generate greater value from strategic and operational activities. To achieve these advantages, organizations must embed ERM elements into their culture and structure and examine the nature of the risks they face.