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302 Results Found

Hospital-community partnerships need a framework for success

Developing and sustaining hospital-community partnerships are crucial parts of transforming health care and building a "culture of health."

AHA 2019 National Health Care Governance Survey Report

Trustee Articles
Latest findings point to several positive trends and opportunities for improving governance structures, practices and performance. The report includes expert commentary and discussion questions for board reflection.

Co-creating strategy

Let’s face it, designing a strategy is challenging in the best of times. Add to this the uncertainty of the health reform landscape, and strategy design seems almost impossible.

Artificial Intelligence - The Next Revolution in Information Technology

Trustee Articles
Boards need to understand artificial intelligence to evaluate its evolving benefits and risks.

Clarifying Expectations: A First Step in Developing Truly Effective Relationships Between CEOs and Trustees

Trustee Articles
This is the second in a series of collaborative leadership tools for CEOs. The first one presented a new model of collaborative leadership.This one focuses on clarifying trustees’ and CEOs’ expectations of each other. It includes a simple exercise for helping trustees and CEOs refine the way they work together.

Understanding Your Physician Employment Strategy

Trustee Articles
Oversight of an employed physician network is a new and evolving role for your board. Focus on five key issues, and adopt three best practices, to help the network succeed.

Building Hospital-Community Partnerships

To move the needle on community health, hospitals and health system boards are recognizing the importance of aligning their organizational efforts and partnering with others in their communities.

Using the Baldrige Criteria to Improve Governance Assessment

Evaluations and Assessments
Organizations pursuing Baldrige recognition must demonstrate how they carry out their governance in eight areas of responsibility.

Committees: The Key to Generative Governance

Trustee Articles
High-performing boards across the country have made great strides in enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency.

Principles and Best Practices for Effective Governance

Trustee Articles
The trustees of one health system were divided over how to structure the board. Some favored proportional representation from its acute care, nursing home and elder services divisions; others wanted all at-large members with no interests to promote. The CEO of another health system had restructured so facility executives were directly accountable to corporate management for finances and operations. He wanted local boards to focus on strategic direction and oversight of quality, but local boards continued monthly monitoring of finances as they’d always done. Some trustees wondered what their role was.