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477 Results Found

Conflict Manager: The Board Chair's Unsung Role

Trustee Articles
Board chairs are often chosen based on peer respect, professional knowledge, demonstrated commitment such as chairing a board committee, and willingness to put in the time required. A somewhat surprising finding to emerge from the AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey is that conflict management is an important yet seldom discussed role of the board chair.

Most Commonly Asked Questions About Board Committees

Trustee Articles
Here are some of the questions that we as governance consultants hear most frequently about board committees.

Preparing for a CEO’s departure

The most crucial time in an organization’s life is the transition from one CEO to another.

Taking the leap into coverage

Trustee talking points Provider-owned health plans are becoming more common as hospitals and health systems look for ways to manage value-based payment and assume risk. <

Your Next CEO

Competition, finance reform and the ever-changing demands of the marketplace have put increased pressure on hospital boards to contemplate an important question: What kind of CEO will be most suc

The Board's Role in Cybersecurity (Part Two)

Trustee Articles
Trustees should take steps to understand and reduce the risk of large-scale data breaches.

How and Why to Increase Board Diversity

Board diversity has lagged behind the growth of increasingly diverse communities. This article looks at the advantage of having a diverse board and how to begin having discussions around building one and doing the work to create a diverse board.

Information Governance for Hospitals

White Papers
Health care organizations live or die based on the quality of the data their leaders use to make strategic, business and clinical decisions.

Beyond Bylaws: Four Health Care Governance Lessons from COVID-19

While continuing to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, hospital and health system boards can use this experience to strengthen leadership, engagement and trust.

CEO Selection in a COVID-19 World

Though hospital and health system boards have always evaluated many factors when selecting a new executive leader, the coronavirus experience calls for considering other important elements.