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341 Results Found

Enhancing Governance to Foster Innovation

Trustee Articles
By adopting practices that embrace innovation, boards are better prepared to plan for change.

Table of Contents

Features   8 Cover Story Cyber Crisis

Health Care Governance on the Eve of Disruption

Trustee Articles
Corporate boards, across industry sectors, are increasingly being called upon to support management as the company responds to how innovative competitors “disrupt” their existing business model. Blockbuster, Borders and ESPN are prime examples of established companies that have been pulled into the financial undertow created by nimble disruptors.

Creating a Culture of Health

Population health is a hot topic. But what does it mean in practical terms?

Navigating health care change

A huge transformation of the health care sector is underway, and it’s having a big impact on hospitals and health systems.

Co-creating strategy

Let’s face it, designing a strategy is challenging in the best of times. Add to this the uncertainty of the health reform landscape, and strategy design seems almost impossible.

Taking the leap into coverage

Trustee talking points Provider-owned health plans are becoming more common as hospitals and health systems look for ways to manage value-based payment and assume risk. <

Rocking the boat can be the best course for hospital boards

Many board members at local, independent hospitals have expertise in a wide range of industries, but they often do not have specialist skills in governing hospitals in today’

Surviving Disruption in Health Care

Trustee Articles
Health care providers must draw lessons from the core capabilities of successful companies in the internet economy.