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218 Results Found

Consumerism Hits Health Care

Snapshot Faced with growing financial responsibility for their health care, individuals are behaving more like consumers when making care decisions.

Know your community for population health

Conversations about the Affordable Care Act and its effect on hospitals have often concerned readmissions and the health insurance exchanges.

Partnering with post-acute providers for better care

Hospital executives are facing a relatively new challenge: managing the financial risk of bundled or capitated payment after a patient is discharged.

Leadership Assessment and Competencies

As hospitals and health systems evolve to meet changing reimbursement and delivery system demands, so too must the organization’s leadership.

Bold Steps for Boards

Hospitals today are intently focusing on redefining the “H” — that is, exploring what it means to be a hospital in a rapidly transforming health care environment.

IT Dilemmas of the Newly Merged

Snapshot One of the first decisions that merging organizations must make is what to do with legacy information systems, and the answer isn’t always obvious.

Successful discharge planning starts early

As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sharpens the sticks and sweetens the carrots to encourage health care providers to reduce avoidable readmissions, better discharge planning has b

The First Trustees: History Lessons

“I do not remember any of my political manoeuvres, the success of which gave me at the time more pleasure ...”

Seizing the aging opportunity

There are more people older than 60 alive today than at any other point in history.

Building an Age-friendly Health Care System

Trustee Articles
A growing movement of health care providers is systematically spreading best practices in the care of older adults.