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297 Results Found

What it Takes to Be the New CEO

Snapshot With hospitals moving beyond their four walls to establish ambulatory care facilities, take on financial risk and pr

Making Sense of Hospital Quality Ratings

Every day, it seems that a new hospital quality scorecard is released, sparking news stories about how hospitals compare with one another and against nationwide benchmarks.

Best Governance Practices: Not Just for Goliaths

Trustee Articles
Today’s hospital leaders know their trustees must be more adaptable, connected and knowledgeable about the changing health care landscape than any of their predecessors. But do they believe their volunteer community board is truly capable of stepping up to current field challenges?

Taking the leap into coverage

Trustee talking points Provider-owned health plans are becoming more common as hospitals and health systems look for ways to manage value-based payment and assume risk. <

Competency Based Governance Enters the Health Care Boardroom

Trustee Articles
The role of a health care organization trustee is getting more complicated and more sophisticated every day. Pressures are increasing simultaneously for higher quality, lower cost, more transparency and accountability, and use of evolving and ever-more-expensive technology.

One thing leads to another

By now, you, as a hospital board member, are familiar with three terms that are driving much of the transformation underway in our field: value-based care, population health management and the co

Priorities for todays nurse leader

Maureen Swick, R.N., took the helm as chief nursing officer of the American Hospital Association and CEO of the American Organization of Nurse Executives last summer.

Applying Lean Principles to Board Work

Trustee Articles
Health care is ripe for change. The evidence is all around us. A majority of health care leaders recently surveyed said hospitals and health systems are most in need of disruptive innovation (New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, February 16, 2017). Consumers are taking charge of their own health and seeking providers that deliver high-quality, affordable and accessible care in ways they have come to expect from their favorite retailers. And disrupters from within and outside of health care are joining forces and competing with traditional health care organizations to give consumers what they are looking for.

Collaborating for behavioral health

Trustee talking points An estimated 43.4 million U.S.

Credentialing, Privileging and the Engaged Board

Trustee Articles
Education, preparation and collegiality can empower physician and lay member trustees to make fair and thoroughly vetted decisions.