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218 Results Found

Nurses as hospitalists

Trustee talking points A growing number of small and rural hospitals, unable to recruit or afford physician hospitalists, are staffing their hospital medicine programs

Successful discharge planning starts early

As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services sharpens the sticks and sweetens the carrots to encourage health care providers to reduce avoidable readmissions, better discharge planning has b

Who Is Accountable for this Patient?

Trustee Magazine Articles
Payers in population health contracts are using claims data to identify the physician responsible for a patient’s health and spending. It’s an inexact science that can aggravate providers before empowering them.

The Rise of the New Health Companies

Snapshot A handful of high-performing hospital systems are coming together to form unique new entities that offer better, more convenient care at lower cost.

Navigating health care change

A huge transformation of the health care sector is underway, and it’s having a big impact on hospitals and health systems.

Bringing a mix of generations to the hospital board

Successful hospital and health systems are rooted in a mission-driven focus.

A Foundation for Improving Social Determinants of Health

Trustee Articles
Philanthropy can drive innovative initiatives to address social, economic, educational and quality of life issues in the community.

Prioritizing Self-assessments

Trustees are accountable for ensuring that continuous quality improvement processes are in place throughout their health care organization.

Rocking the boat can be the best course for hospital boards

Many board members at local, independent hospitals have expertise in a wide range of industries, but they often do not have specialist skills in governing hospitals in today’

Milwaukee health systems partner for community health

A decade ago, leaders of four health systems serving Milwaukee residents recognized that they needed to do something different.