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424 Results Found

Position Description for a Board Chairperson

Position Descriptions
Leadership. Guides and directs the governance process, centering the work of the board on the organization’s mission, vision and strategic direction.

Ready for the Unthinkable

Trustee Articles
An emergency succession plan may never be used, but it’s still a necessity for every hospital. A key function of every board is to ensure that effective leadership is in place so that the institution it governs can continue to achieve its mission, vision and strategic goals.

Use and Abuse of Executive Sessions

Trustee Articles
Governing boards traditionally call executive sessions from time to time to discuss confidential, proprietary or personnel related matters in closed session. In recent years, however, the increasing emphasis on board independence and vigilance has triggered a new use for executive sessions.

Grooming M.D. Leaders

Trustee Articles
CEOs need to target and develop physicians to play leading roles in health care transformation. Perhaps the greatest challenge health care organizations face over the next decade is physician engagement. As integration and value-driven care continue to advance, physician leaders will be increasingly called upon to meet the demands of a changing landscape.

Coaching: A Critical Tool for Board Chair Development

Trustee Articles
Making coaching available to an incoming board chair can build the chair's capacity to lead the board effectively.

Trustee Involvement

Trustee Involvement  The AHA has numerous avenues for trustee involvement and participation in the Association’s governance, grassroots advocacy, policy development and field leaders

Selecting & Preparing a Chair Elect

Trustee Articles
Despite the importance of the role, many boards do not give selection and preparation of the board chair the attention they should. In a recent survey by The Governance Institute, 64% of boards said they had established an explicit process for selection of the board chair but these processes often are little more than a thoughtful conversation among the executive or governance committee about the next chair.



How to Create a Better Board-CEO Relationship

Snapshot A positive relationship between the board and CEO is a prerequisite for hospital and health system success.