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302 Results Found

Rocking the boat can be the best course for hospital boards

Many board members at local, independent hospitals have expertise in a wide range of industries, but they often do not have specialist skills in governing hospitals in today’

Board support: Is it time for dedicated governance leadership?

Trustee talking points As hospitals and health systems grow increasingly complex, they are increasingly creating dedicated support staff for their boards. Full-

Navigating successful health system integration

The decision to align with another health care organization is among the most important, if not the most important, undertakings for a hospital board.

7 strategic drivers propel health systems to develop provider-sponsored plans

Health systems and other providers are increasingly developing their own health plans, many of which often include narrow networks.

Improving the Patient and Family Experience

The AHA’s new resource “Patient and Family Advisory Councils Blueprint” outlines seven steps to successfully launch a meaningful and impactful PFAC.

Best practices for partnering success

Hospital and health system leadership teams may look to partner with other organizations in an effort to gain capabilities for evolving care and payment arrangements.

Employee health plans give hospitals a training ground

Hospitals and health systems have the ability to shape more effective health care through choices they make about managing their own employee health plans.

Reinventing the health care foundation board

Trustee talking points Philanthropy is growing in importance as health care transforms toward new models.

Strategic planning: Physicians needed

In the era of value-based purchasing, including physicians in the development of strategy has never been more crucial.

Priorities for a Hospital Board Chair

It is hard to imagine an industry more turbulent than health care or a position more demanding than hospital board chair.