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218 Results Found

Patients Value Online Access to Electronic Health Records

A growing number of consumers are embracing electronic health records, and the significant boost in online access to health information may be increasing patient engagement in their care, according

Health Care Costs and Choices in the Last Years of Life

Snapshot As Americans live longer, many endure unnecessary interventional treatments at the end of life, driving up spending while overlooking patients’ desires to die peacefully at

Rural hospital trustees meet in Phoenix

Uncertainty is the new normal for rural hospitals.

Top 10 Emerging Trends in Health Care for 2021: The New Normal

Continued disruption will require health care boards to adapt their governance models to adapt to the unprecedented times.

Millennials' Turn at the Top

Trustee talking points Although millennials increasingly fill the workforce, they’re not filling the health care leadership ranks at the pace of previous generations.

The key to new payment programs? Data management.

Value-based payment approaches, including Medicare’s Quality Payment Program for physicians and other eligible clinicians, tie fees and bonuses to how well providers perform on various qualit

Dousing clinician burnout

Slowly and surely, we’ve been burning out a generation of doctors and nurses. The numbers are startling: Over 50 percent of physicians report one or more symptoms of burnout.

Rocking the boat can be the best course for hospital boards

Many board members at local, independent hospitals have expertise in a wide range of industries, but they often do not have specialist skills in governing hospitals in today’

The Importance of Reducing Nonbeneficial Care

The overuse of antibiotics in both medicine and livestock has been making headlines recently, and patients and community members may be turning to you with questions.

Trustee Education

Health care is a complex and fast-moving enterprise. How can trustees stay abreast of the trends and factors impacting the field?