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218 Results Found

Health care CEOs can build engagement by cultivating physician leaders

Perhaps the greatest challenge health care organizations face over the next decade is physician engagement.

Incoming AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack Sees the Big Picture

Snapshot The American Hospital Association’s incoming president and CEO says that successful advocacy isn’t just about lobbying on Capitol Hill.

Understanding Your Physician Employment Strategy

Trustee Articles
Oversight of an employed physician network is a new and evolving role for your board. Focus on five key issues, and adopt three best practices, to help the network succeed.

Collaborating for behavioral health

Trustee talking points An estimated 43.4 million U.S.

Hospitals and housing

Wellness and well-being are inextricably linked to the social and economic conditions of people’s lives.

HRET Effort Reduces Infections

Patient safety

Incorporating Cyberrisk Management into Enterprise Risk Management

Cyberattacks have far-reaching consequences that directly threaten patient care, patient safety and broader public health and safety, by potentially denying the availability of the hospital and emergency medical care to the community.

Addressing the Social Determinants of Health

Trustee Articles
Boards can advocate for policy changes or ways to harness community resources.

The 8 types of ambulatory care settings

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Cost is driving a rise i

Credentialing, Privileging and the Engaged Board

Trustee Articles
Education, preparation and collegiality can empower physician and lay member trustees to make fair and thoroughly vetted decisions.