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539 Results Found

Learnings on Governance from Partnerships that Improve Community Health

Trustee Articles
Hospitals’ and health systems’ accountability and commitment to their communities are not only for the care provided within the organizations’ walls, but also for improving the overall health of the communities they serve. Many are acting on that commitment by striving to achieve the goals of the Triple Aim.

NOVA Awards Recognize Community Health Improvement

Each year, the American Hospital Association honors hospital-led programs that improve community health with the AHA NOVA Award.

Women in Governance: A Savvy Strategy for Advancing Community Health

Trustee Articles
In many ways, women are on the front line in health care — as consumers, employees and family caretakers. They possess firsthand knowledge of community health issues and needs. They can bring an informed perspective to health care and other community organizations about where to focus resources to have the greatest impact.

Hospital, Health System Boards Need to Find Partners for Community Health

As health care organizations and clinicians join together to address a broader spectrum of health needs, more attention is being focused on how to improve both individual and community health.

From Surviving to Thriving
