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43 Results Found

Performance-based Contracting: Emerging Issues and Considerations

Trustee Articles
A new business model is emerging to transform the care delivery and payment systems. The transition is underway in many communities — moving health care delivery from emphasizing sick care to addressing population health management.

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.

Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health through Primary Care

Trustee Articles
Hospitals and health systems are finding a range of ways to integrate behavioral and physical care in a primary care clinic, thereby improving patient outcomes and lowering costs.

How Hospitals Can Make the Best Use of Social Media

Discover how hospitals can effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and communities. Learn more about the benefits and strategies in this comprehensive guide.

Hospitals use technology to improve emergency room performance

Hospitals are making greater use of new technologies to improve emergency department throughput.

One thing leads to another

By now, you, as a hospital board member, are familiar with three terms that are driving much of the transformation underway in our field: value-based care, population health management and the co

Hospital-community partnerships need a framework for success

Developing and sustaining hospital-community partnerships are crucial parts of transforming health care and building a "culture of health."

9 ways to bolster vulnerable communities

Millions of Americans in both urban and rural communities are unable to access essential health care services.

Becoming a visionary board

Hospital trustees sometimes question how they can determine a strategic future when so much in health care is changing and the future is seemingly unknown and unpredictable.

Hospitals and housing

Wellness and well-being are inextricably linked to the social and economic conditions of people’s lives.