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47 Results Found
Future-ready Boards
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When Hospital/Health System and Foundation Boards Intersect
Philanthropy is a high-ROI revenue generator compared with patient care revenue and delivers about a 4:1 return with a mature program.
Board Leader Resources
Leadership DevelopmentPursuing Board Chair Excellence: Four Examples of Board Chair Selection Show What Can Go Right … or Wrong
Board Orientation Best Practices: Strategies for Onboarding New Trustees Effectively
On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar recording offers a different approach to new member orientation. You’ll hear about a set of action steps that can help your organization develop a conscious, ongoing orientation process – one that helps the entire board form a high-functioning team much faster as each new trustee comes on.
From Surviving to Thriving
The board’s obligation is to consider all options to achieve its mission, including gleaning lessons from the movie “Grease!”
How Hospitals Can Make the Best Use of Social Media
Discover how hospitals can effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and communities. Learn more about the benefits and strategies in this comprehensive guide.
Hospitals use technology to improve emergency room performance
Hospitals are making greater use of new technologies to improve emergency department throughput.
Getting to the New Normal in Health Care
Health care boards can play a pivotal role to ensure their patients, employees and communities receive needed resources to heal, restore and rebuild for a better and healthier future.