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85 Results Found

Board Compensation: The Emerging New Normal

The AHA triennial survey of health care boards reveals the exponential growth in the number of boards that provide cash compensation to their members.

Health Systems Making Suicide Prevention a Priority

AFSP’s Christine Moutier and Maggie Mortali discuss programs and tools that support health care workers.

Board Leader Resources

Leadership DevelopmentPursuing Board Chair Excellence: Four Examples of Board Chair Selection Show What Can Go Right … or Wrong

Creating the Right Boardroom Conversations

Trustee Articles
Establishing well-organized and consistent governance processes and procedures enables the board to be most productive, and ensures that its time is allocated to the most critical topics.

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.

Board Leadership in Challenging Times

Carolyn F. Scanlan, vice chair of Penn Medicine Lancaster (Pa.) General Health, discusses how governing boards can best address some of the challenges ahead in 2021.

Safety and the Road to COVID-19 Recovery: The Role of the Board

As hospitals and health systems across the country begin and continue the “recovery” process during the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA is keeping you updated with the latest information and resources. An important area to address is the role of governing boards as hospitals and health systems resume delivering comprehensive health care services.

Crisis Standards of Care and the Pandemic

Hospitals across the United States have been inundated with an alarming number of very ill, complex care patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Caring for patients with non-coronavirus health care needs, such as cardiac and neurologic emergencies, while managing surges in COVID-19 cases, has presented a serious problem for hospitals. What should senior leaders do when there is no more space, no more staff, no more equipment and nowhere to transfer these critically ill patients?