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9 Results Found

When Hospital/Health System and Foundation Boards Intersect

Philanthropy is a high-ROI revenue generator compared with patient care revenue and delivers about a 4:1 return with a mature program.

Board chair coaching process

Discussion Questions & Templates
A good coach focuses on what the board chair wants to accomplish and designs a coaching process based on how the board chair experiences the role; on assessment of individual strengths and weaknesses; and on identifying and addressing blind spots. Each coaching process should be customized to meet the board chair’s individual needs and goals.

Competency-Based Leadership Development and Succession Planning

Trustee Articles
The tools that follow lay out a framework to assist you in that thinking and planning process with a focus on the competencies of individual trustees.

Board Development: A Marathon Not a Sprint

Trustee Articles
Whether a board’s starting point is average performance or mediocrity, the journey to the top echelon of governance effectiveness cannot be achieved with a few quick steps. Board development is more like a marathon than a sprint.

Board Practices that Separate the Best from the Rest

Trustee Articles
The AHA’s 2011 Governance Survey shows that good governance practices continue to take hold among hospitals and health systems. Driven by powerful economic pressures and stringent legal requirements to be visionary, strategic, diligent and independent, boards are applying various “good governance” practices, including competency-based succession planning, board orientation and education, routine executive sessions, CEO retention planning, and board self-evaluation.

Coaching: A Critical Tool for Board Chair Development

Trustee Articles
Making coaching available to an incoming board chair can build the chair's capacity to lead the board effectively.

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Education Process

Board Checklists
A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. Below is an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness...

Seven Steps to Designing an Effective Governance Education Process Tool

Board Checklists
A successful governance education process requires commitment, collaboration and consensus. This resource serves as an outline of how a board of trustees may design a process that will ensure optimum development of leadership knowledge and effectiveness.