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Current High-Performance Governance Practices
Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.
Effective CEO Performance Evaluation
Following key strategies for effective CEO performance appraisals are essential to the health care board’s role.
Preserving the Distinction Between Management and Governance
Trustee Articles
Clarifying accountabilities between management and governance is essential for high performance. Discover best-practice governance principles in this article.
Board Responsibilities Podcast
Leaders from Northwestern Medical Center in Vermont share how their CEO transition plan helped accelerate success and ensure a smooth changeover.
Becoming a First-Rate Board
Trustee Articles
Fulfilling duties includes actively engaging in practices that promote good governance. A review of best practices enables the board to reflect on opportunities for improvement.
Principles and Best Practices for Effective Governance
Trustee Articles
The trustees of one health system were divided over how to structure the board. Some favored proportional representation from its acute care, nursing home and elder services divisions; others wanted all at-large members with no interests to promote.
The CEO of another health system had restructured so facility executives were directly accountable to corporate management for finances and operations. He wanted local boards to focus on strategic direction and oversight of quality, but local boards continued monthly monitoring of finances as they’d always done. Some trustees wondered what their role was.