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27 Results Found

How Hospitals Can Make the Best Use of Social Media

Discover how hospitals can effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and communities. Learn more about the benefits and strategies in this comprehensive guide.

Three Breakthroughs in Clinical Technology

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute continues with this overview of three breakthroughs in clinical technology that have the potential to improve, lengthen and save lives.

Hospitals use technology to improve emergency room performance

Hospitals are making greater use of new technologies to improve emergency department throughput.

High-performance succession planning

One thing that we all know is certain is change. Hospitals and health systems are adapting delivery models and strategies to remain viable for their communities.

Safer, smaller, smarter health tech

Iron lungs out. Surgical robots in. The heart-wrenching sight of rows of children trapped in iron lungs has given way to the ability to transplant lungs.

Hospitals and health systems consider paths to increasing value

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Performance data give Medicare and other pay

Writing an innovation playbook for health system success

Innovation can fuel the organizational agility necessary to achieve breakthrough levels of value and performance in health care.

Staying ahead of cybersecurity risks

Hospitals and health systems are under attack from new forms of viruses every day.

What Hospital Trustees Should Know About Bundled Payments

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Health c