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22 Results Found

Integrating Mental and Physical Health to Better Support Patients and Communities

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it is a time to raise awareness of and reduce the stigma surrounding behavioral health issues. It’s also a time to recognize how mental illness and addiction can affect all of us — patients, providers, families and our society at large.

A Strong Step on Enhanced Mental Health Parity Regulations

For years, many commercial health insurers treated coverage for mental health or substance use disorders (SUD) very differently than for medical and surgical benefits.

Innovating to Lead the Way to a Healthier America

In recent years, the dedication to innovation has been fueled in part by advancements in technology. Patients right now — and in the future — can expect more care delivery that is driven by 3D modeling; predictive analytics; advanced robotics for surgeries and treatments; and personalized therapies based on genomics.

Hospitals and Health Systems Are Leading Innovative Efforts to Advance Health

AHA’s Leadership Summit, which will be held July 16-18 in Seattle, brings together many of the best minds in health care, medicine and technology with a shared passion for innovation as the road to advancing health.

Advancing Health in America Is a Bipartisan Goal We Can All Get Behind

The convening of the 118th Congress this week is a reminder of Washington’s highly-charged political environment.

Putting on a Full-court Press to Secure Support for Hospitals and Patients

As Congress convenes for its post-election lame-duck session, we are turning up the pressure to secure additional support for hospitals and the patients and communities they serve. We need to put on a full-court press — and that includes all of us reaching out to our senators and representatives — to urge them to include a number of key priorities in a year-end spending package.

Strengthening Our Health Care Workforce Must Be Top of Mind for Everyone

The AHA is committed to helping hospitals and health systems support their people today, prepare them for tomorrow and build a pathway for the future.

Perspective: Reconnected and Ready to Rebuild and Reimagine a Better Health Care System

Courage. Compassion. Workforce. Health equity. Heroes. Challenges. Innovation. Community partnerships. Leadership. Opportunities. These were some of the most common words we heard from attendees and speakers talking about our field at this week’s AHA Annual Membership Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Perspective: We Must Address America’s Behavioral Health Crisis Now

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many new challenges to America’s health care system. It also has exacerbated existing issues that were already in need of attention before the pandemic. 

Perspective: Doing Our Part to Shore Up America’s Blood Supply 

We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many longstanding challenges facing the health care field. One of the most alarming developments that is a top concern today is its effect on our nation’s blood supply.