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207 Results Found

The New Approach to Mitigating Clostridiodes difficile (C. diff) Transmission While Saving Direct Cost to the Hospital

Every year, thousands of patients across the United States are impacted by the effects of hospital-onset Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infections (HO-CDIs). In this webinar, we examine the limitations of current interventions to prevent transmission of C. diff. We also present the manner in which an effective environmental hygiene program to reduce HO-CDI is implemented and the critical role EVS personnel played. (Webinar presented May 18, 2023)

Hospitalization as a Teachable Moment: Plant-Based Options on Patient Trays

In 2017, the American Medical Association developed new hospital food guidelines, aiming to engage hospitals in the effort for better nutrition to fight cancer and cardiovascular disease. This webinar will outline the importance of these guidelines and practical steps for implementation. (Webinar presented April 26, 2023)

Creating a Value Proposition for TeamSTEPPS: How Your Frontline and Your Bottom Line Can Both Win

In this webinar, we explore why investing in the frontline has never been more important. Though the balancing act between budget shortfalls and workforce investment hangs precariously for many, we demonstrate why diverting time and resources to team training is a win for any organization’s bottom line. Viewers will walk away with the tools needed to share compelling data and an undeniable value proposition for TeamSTEPPS with their leadership. In addition, viewers will get a sneak peek into the innovative curriculum changes AHA Team Training has made to make this training more effective and timelier than ever. (Webinar presented March 14, 2023)

Challenging the Status Quo for Improved Patient Outcomes

View this webinar to hear how a community-based hospital that championed change achieved a 94% reduction in blood culture contamination rates within 90 days. Learn about the identified tactics for success following the principles of a high reliability organization (HRO) and using an evidence-based technology, the Steripath® Initial Specimen Diversion Device®, and how similar methods may be applied at your hospital. (Webinar presented April 4, 2023)

What's Your Story? How to Craft Narratives Using Human-Centered Design that Inspire Your Audience

Join us for an interactive webinar where you will learn fundamental principles of storytelling and reflect on a personal story of your own. This workshop gives you the chance to work on your story and apply human-centered design to a wide variety of challenges that we face in health care. This webinar is about Story + Telling. Come prepared to think through the features of a ‘story’ (content and team alignment) and the essentials of the ‘telling’ (channels and communication plan). (Webinar presented March 8, 2023)

Accelerating Health Equity Conference 2023

The Accelerating Health Equity Conference brings together professionals focused on improving community and population health and building partnerships, as well as those striving to advance diversity and inclusion within hospital management and executive levels. They will focus on how to address systemic inequities that prevent individuals and their communities from achieving optimal health.

Webinar: Beyond the CMS Final Rule: How to Elevate Emergency Preparedness

Many health care facilities still find themselves overwhelmed or unprepared when an emergency strikes.

How to Use Human-Centered Design to Inspire and Focus Teams

Health care professionals are surrounded by immense complexity – different departments to navigate, IT challenges, regulations to follow, budget pressures and external dynamics. This webinar aims to show viewers how human-centered design can help energize and align teams around what they aspire to do. We will integrate key concepts from TeamSTEPPS and introduce visual design tools to create aligned strategies. This webinar is a great fit for anyone seeking new insights into team strategy, innovation and alignment. (Webinar presented February 8, 2023)

2021 Accelerating Health Equity Conference

The post-Accelerating Health Equity 2021 Conference page – A Virtual Conference for Leaders in Community Health, Diversity and Inclusion – highlights conference speakers, presentation topics and our sponsors.

Webinars: Disaster Outbreak Preparedness

Browse the Association for the Health Care Environment's on-demand webinars page on the topic of disaster outbreak preparedness.