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217 Results Found

HIPAA enforcement discretion to end with COVID-19 public health emergency

HIPAA enforcement discretion implemented for the COVID-19 public health emergency will expire with the end of the PHE on May 11, but covered health care providers will have until Aug. 9 to comply with the HIPAA rules with respect to telehealth, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights announced today. 

Study supports continuing telehealth services for opioid use disorder

Medicare patients who have access to telehealth services and medications for opioid use disorder have lower risk of fatal drug overdose, according to a study reported yesterday in JAMA Psychiatry.

Applying an Equity Lens to Digital Health

Reliance on digital tools can exacerbate barriers to care among certain populations and may be less accessible to people with limited English proficiency. As these technologies become ubiquitous, now is the time to examine digital health from an equity lens to ensure that no community is left behind.

DEA proposes new telehealth prescribing limit for certain controlled medications 

The Drug Enforcement Administration Friday proposed limiting telehealth prescriptions for buprenorphine and other controlled substances after the COVID-19 public health emergency to a 30-day supply unless the prescriber or referring clinician have evaluated the patient in person. DEA will accept comments on the proposed rules for 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register.

AHA supports House bill to study, enhance access to telehealth  

AHA this week voiced support for bipartisan legislation (H.R.1110) introduced in the House that would require the Department of Health and Human Services, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, and Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission to study expanded telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic and recommend potential enhancements to telehealth access and quality. 

Overcoming Challenges to Ensure Local Access to Care for Patients and Communities

America’s hospitals and health systems are places of healing, hope, comfort and caring. Today, they also face many challenges that jeopardize their ability to always be there ready to care.

AHA provides feedback to Congress on expanding telehealth legislation 

As the Congressional Telehealth Caucus considers updates to legislation that would permanently remove all geographic restrictions on Medicare telehealth services and expand originating sites, AHA encouraged House and Senate caucus leaders to consider adding provisions that have expanded access to care during the COVID-19 public health emergency. 

Survey: States expand Medicaid telehealth services for behavioral health

Forty state Medicaid programs newly allowed or expanded audio-only telehealth services for behavioral health in 2022, and 39 expanded the types of behavioral health services eligible for telehealth delivery, according to a supplement to the annual Kaiser Family Foundation survey of state Medicaid directors.

AHA releases 2023 Environmental Scan

The AHA today released its 2023 Environmental Scan, which provides key data and insights on the current health care landscape and can help organizations explore the pandemic’s ramifications on the health care field for the upcoming year and beyond.

Putting on a Full-court Press to Secure Support for Hospitals and Patients

As Congress convenes for its post-election lame-duck session, we are turning up the pressure to secure additional support for hospitals and the patients and communities they serve. We need to put on a full-court press — and that includes all of us reaching out to our senators and representatives — to urge them to include a number of key priorities in a year-end spending package.