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217 Results Found

AHA comments on Senate Finance Committee white paper on chronic care through physician payment, Medicare Part B

The AHA June 14 sent a letter to the Senate Finance Committee, responding to questions included in a white paper the committee wrote on chronic care through physician payment and policy options regarding Medicare Part B.

CDC issues health advisory warning following telehealth company indictment in alleged $100 million stimulant distribution scheme

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention June 13 issued a Health Alert Network Health Advisory following a federal health care fraud indictment against Done Global Inc., a California-based telehealth company.

House Energy and Commerce Committee moves SPEAK Act 

The House Energy and Commerce Committee June 12 passed AHA-supported legislation during a markup of bills that passed the Health Subcommittee in May.

Agencies extend telehealth prescribing flexibilities for controlled medications through 2024

The Drug Enforcement Administration and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration have extended telehealth prescribing flexibilities for buprenorphine and other controlled substances through 2024.

CMS issues CY 2024 physician fee schedule final rule

CMS releases CY 2024 physician fee schedule final rule with a conversion factor cut of 3.4%. Read on to understand the impact on healthcare providers.

House subcommittee passes legislation on telehealth, hospital-at-home during markup session

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health May 16 passed a number of bills during a markup session, including AHA-supported legislation.

AHA supports rural access to care legislation considered during House Ways and Means Committee markup session

AHA submitted a statement May 8 to the House Ways and Means Committee for a markup session on proposed legislation impacting telehealth access for patients and rural access to care.

AHA urges Congress to extend Affordable Connectivity Program to support digital health care services 

In a letter submitted May 7 to a bipartisan group of senators, AHA urged Congress to extend the Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides benefits toward high-speed internet, allowing patients access to services such as telehealth, hospital at home, patient portals and electronic patient records, virtual scheduling and remote patient monitoring. 

Senator Thune touts support for telehealth, urges solution-oriented advocacy 

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., April 16 updated AHA members on progress to extend telehealth waivers, offering hope that a solution will arise in end-of-year legislation that Congress will attempt to pass.

Virginia congressman champions telehealth, will push to extend expiring policies

Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Va., touted the benefits of telehealth April 15, saying it is uncovering hidden health care savings by encouraging patients to seek more timely care.