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62 Results Found

Patients Value Online Access to Electronic Health Records

A growing number of consumers are embracing electronic health records, and the significant boost in online access to health information may be increasing patient engagement in their care, according

The Importance of Cybersecurity and Information Sharing

Nearly every day, the news brings word of another data breach at a major corporation.

Genomics Growing Influence

Snapshot Trustee's partnership with ECRI Institute, an independent non-profit organization that uses evidence-based research to objectively assess medical procedures, devices, dru

Preparing for cyber crisis

Trustee talking points As computing technology has moved into nearly every part of the hospital and its operations, opportunities for cyberattack have multiplied. Hospita

Hospital leaders face a numbers game

Trustee talking points An ever-increasing amount of data is available for health care leaders to use in making decisions about drugs, devices and procedures. The f

Rethinking Risk

White Papers
By Lee Ann Jarousse, Senior Editor, H&HN

Predictive analytics is transforming health care

Trustee Talking Points Trustee Talking Points Health s

Sunk Costs, Contracts and Meaningful Use

The typical hospital's electronic health record system represents a sizable sunk cost on which executive managers normally would want to get a long return on investment.

Don’t be taken hostage

Ransomware is a new threat facing computer systems worldwide.

How Hospitals Can Prepare for Inevitable Breaches of Patient Data

Snapshot A series of high-profile breaches underscored the vulnerability of online records and the ability of cyber-criminals to