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961 Results Found

Bill to reduce EHR burden on providers clears subcommittee

The House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee today approved AHA-supported legislation (

House committee passes bills to extend CHIP funding, reduce EHR burden

The House Energy and Commerce Committee last night voted 28-23 along party lines to approve

Nov. 30 deadline to apply for reconsideration of EHR payment adjustment

Inpatient prospective payment system hospitals that did not achieve meaningful use and did not receive a hardship exception in the Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program for the 2016 r

Reminder: Nov. 30 deadline for hospitals to avoid EHR payment adjustment

Critical access hospitals that did not achieve meaningful use in the Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program for the 2016 reporting period can apply through Nov.

Reminder: Nov. 30 deadline for hospitals to avoid EHR payment adjustment

Critical access hospitals that did not achieve meaningful use in the Medicare Electronic Health Record Incentive Program for the 2016 reporting period can apply through Nov.

Study: Primary care physicians spend half their day on EHR tasks

Primary care physicians spend more than half of their workday performing data entry and other tasks with electronic health records, according to a new

FDA issues guidance on its digital health regulatory policies

The Food and Drug Administration today released for comment draft

AHA recommends FDA actions to ease regulation, improve device security

AHA again urged the Food and Drug Administration today to allow health system pharmacies to distribute compounded products to other system facilities located more than one mile away.

Senators reintroduce bill to provide EHR meaningful use flexibility

Sens. John Thune (R-SD), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Mike Enzi (R-WY), Pat Roberts (R-KS), Richard Burr (R-NC) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) today introduced the EHR Regulatory Relief Act (S.

Webinar Friday on new payment codes for behavioral health integration

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration will host an Oct.