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965 Results Found

AHA podcast: Developing a Universal and Secure Electronic Health Information System 

National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Micky Tripathi talks with AHA’s Nancy Foster about what his office is doing to help achieve a health information system that can share data across care providers while protecting confidential health records from cybercriminals.

HHS bulletin reviews latest cyberthreats to health care 

The latest quarterly bulletin from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthcare Cybersecurity Coordination Center reviews cyber threats to the health care sector in fourth-quarter 2022.

Survey: States expand Medicaid telehealth services for behavioral health

Forty state Medicaid programs newly allowed or expanded audio-only telehealth services for behavioral health in 2022, and 39 expanded the types of behavioral health services eligible for telehealth delivery, according to a supplement to the annual Kaiser Family Foundation survey of state Medicaid directors.

The Road to Health Equity Must Encompass a Strategy for Equitable Digital Health

Edmondo Robinson, M.D., MBA, MS, FACP, senior vice president and chief digital officer at Moffitt Cancer Center spoke with Julia Resnick, director of strategic initiatives at the American Hospital Association about how Moffitt’s approach to digital health improves equity for the patients they serve.

HHS alerts health sector to new ransomware threat 

The Clop ransomware group has been sending health care facilities ransomware-infected medical files disguised to appear to come from legitimate doctors, then requesting a medical appointment in hopes they’ll open and review the documents, the Department of Health and Human Services alerted the health sector today.

No holiday pause for cyber adversaries warn government agencies

The Healthcare Cyber Communications Center, FBI, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and National Security Agency in December warned of new ransomware strains and other cyber threats targeting health care.  

AHA releases 2023 Environmental Scan

The AHA today released its 2023 Environmental Scan, which provides key data and insights on the current health care landscape and can help organizations explore the pandemic’s ramifications on the health care field for the upcoming year and beyond.

AHA comments on Senate report on health care cybersecurity policy options  

AHA sent a letter to Sen. Mark Warner, co-chair of the Senate Cybersecurity Caucus, responding to his recent report on policy options to address cybersecurity challenges in the health care field.

Putting on a Full-court Press to Secure Support for Hospitals and Patients

As Congress convenes for its post-election lame-duck session, we are turning up the pressure to secure additional support for hospitals and the patients and communities they serve. We need to put on a full-court press — and that includes all of us reaching out to our senators and representatives — to urge them to include a number of key priorities in a year-end spending package.

AHA urges DEA to release regulation for prescribing controlled substances via telehealth after COVID-19 public health emergency

AHA today urged the Drug Enforcement Administration to release its proposed rules outlining a special registration process for prescribing medically necessary controlled substances via telehealth a