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965 Results Found

#StopRansomware: U.S. warns of North Korean ransomware threats to health care 

The United States and Republic of Korea today recommended health care organizations take certain actions to protect against North Korean-sponsored ransomware activity targeting the sector.

Agencies issue guidance to help prevent, recover from ransomware threat 

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and FBI released guidance to help organizations prevent and recover from a global ransomware campaign that has compromised over 3,800 VMware ESXi servers.

Report outlines artificial intelligence cyber risks, solutions for health care

A new white paper from the Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC), a public-private partnership to mitigate risks to the sector, outlines nine cybersecurity concerns for artificial intelligence use in the clinical and enterprise environment and approaches to address them

Podcast: Going ‘Code Dark’: An Emergency Response to Cyberattacks

Hear how Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., developed a system allowing hospital staff members to protect patient safety in the event of a broad-based ransomware or malware attack.

Keeping Hospitals and Patients Safe against Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks are increasing globally and in the U.S., with health care organizations, especially hospitals and health systems, being prime targets.

HHS alerts health sector to pro-Russian hacktivist threat

A pro-Russian hacktivist group known for distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against countries supporting Ukraine on Jan. 28 allegedly released attack lists for hospitals and medical organizations in several countries, HHS alerted the sector.

AHA provides feedback to Congress on expanding telehealth legislation 

As the Congressional Telehealth Caucus considers updates to legislation that would permanently remove all geographic restrictions on Medicare telehealth services and expand originating sites, AHA encouraged House and Senate caucus leaders to consider adding provisions that have expanded access to care during the COVID-19 public health emergency. 

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Discussing Creative Approaches to Health Care Challenges with Wright L. Lassiter III

This year I’ll be continuing the AHA Leadership Dialogue series and talking with health care, business and community leaders on trending topics in the field.

FBI disrupts ransomware network targeting hospitals and others

The FBI seized control of servers and websites used by the Hive ransomware network to target hospitals and other critical infrastructure, and infiltrated the network in July to provide decryption keys to victims and prevent $130 million in ransom payments, the Justice Department announced.

HHS: Ransomware groups continue to target U.S. health sector

The Royal and Blackcat ransomware groups continue to aggressively target the U.S. health sector, according to a recent advisory from the Department of Health and Human Services.