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1253 Results Found


CMS Issues Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule for CY 2024

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Nov.

HHS Issues Final Remedy for Its Unlawful 340B Payment Cuts from 2018 to 2022

Following last year’s unanimous Supreme Court decision in favor of the AHA and others, the Department of Health and Human Services Nov. 2 issued a final rule outlining the agency’s remedy for the unlawful payment cuts to certain hospitals that participate in the 340B Drug Pricing Program.

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin - October 6, 2023

Digital ad campaign highlights how the 340B program supports patients and communities .

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin - October 19, 2023

Report: 340B tax-exempt hospitals provided more than $84 billion benefits to communities in 2020

AHA Statement Before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health Re: Medicare Legislative Proposals

AHA shares the hospital field’s comments on legislative proposals for consideration before the Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee on Oct. 19.

Long-term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System Final Rule for FY 2024

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) August 1 issued its fiscal year (FY) 2024 final rule for the inpatient and long-term care hospital (LTCH) prospective payment system (PPS). The LTCH policies of the rule are covered in this regulatory advisory, while the inpatient PPS content is summarized in a separate advisory.

Hospitals That Have Committed to the 340B Principles

To ensure good stewardship of the 340B program, hospitals participating in the program should structure hospital policies and practices to demonstrate their commitment. That demonstration of commitment includes sharing publicly how 340B savings are used to benefit the community, by, for example reaching more eligible patients and providing more comprehensive services for those in the community. The following hospitals have taken that commitment.

AHA Urges CMS to Rigorously Enforce New Policies to Safeguard MA Coverage

AHA Urges CMS to Rigorously Enforce New Policies to Safeguard MA Coverage

AHA Recommendations to House Ways & Means Committee on Improving Health Care Access in Rural and Underserved Areas

Many hospitals including those in rural and underserved areas are experiencing unprecedented challenges that jeopardize access and services. Here are a series of proposals and suggestions for the Ways and Means Committee to consider as it looks for avenues to broaden access to health care for patients in rural and underserved regions.

340B Good Stewardship Principles Talking Points - Members Only

For over three decades, the 340B Drug Pricing Program has enabled eligible hospitals that serve large numbers of low-income patients and other underserved populations to stretch scarce federal resources and provide more comprehensive care to their patients and communities as Congress intended.