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7 Results Found


Fact Sheet: The 340B Drug Pricing Program

Learn what the HHS 340B Drug Pricing Program is and what 340B hospitals are. The program allows 340B hospitals to stretch limited federal resources to reduce the price of outpatient pharmaceuticals for patients by providing 340B drug pricing discounts and expand health services to the patients and communities they serve.

Setting the Record Straight: Correcting 6 Misleading Conclusions from MedPAC’s 2023 Report

On March 15, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) released its annual report on the commission’s recommendations for Fiscal Year 2024 Medicare payment updates.

Fact Sheet: Metropolitan Anchor Hospitals

During the COVID-19 pandemic and for decades prior, Metropolitan Anchor Hospitals (MAHs) have provided critical health care and social services to diverse populations in the nation’s cities.

Fact Sheet: The Future of Telehealth - Protecting Patient Access to Care

Telehealth connects patients to vital health care services through videoconferencing, remote monitoring, electronic consults and wireless communications.

Telehealth Fact Sheet

In 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services expanded Medicare coverage for virtual services and the agency provides waivers in some alternative payment models, but more fundamental change is needed to expand payment to all geographic areas and all services that are safe to provide via telehealth.

The Path Forward 2019

The AHA’s mission is to advance the health of individuals and communities. The AHA leads, represents and serves hospitals, health systems, and other related organizations that are accountable to the community and committed to health improvement.

Constituency Section for Metropolitan Hospitals Factsheet

The AHA Section for Metropolitan Hospitals represents the Nation’s metropolitan/urban, suburban, public and teaching hospitals.